Medical Service Professional (MSP) who will benefit from using our system are physicians or medical technicians that are in the business of treating personal injury patients. These providers may include Orthopedics, Neurology, Pain Management, Anesthesiology, Chiropractic and Physical Therapy. A more comprehensive list of MSP specialties may be viewed on the medical registration page. By completing a registry specific to your organization, you will be able to receive and select LOP (Letter of Protection) initiated and sent specifically to you by an attorney. Keep in mind that we are waiving the $250.00 membership initiation fee during the registry period.

The LOP you receive directly from an attorney will contain pertinent information including name of attorney and contact info, name of patient and contact info. Each patient you elect to accept will have a separate LOP. Only you can decide whether to accept or decline an LOP. The LOP will be valid until disposition of case, unless otherwise indicated by attorney. Once you have accepted a LOP through our system, the attorney will notify patient to contact you directly to schedule necessary medical services.

Our system also enables a MSP to inquire about the status of an LOP previously accepted outside the Providentis system. Simply attach a copy of the LOP to the portal page, enter the email address of the issuing attorney, and submit the inquiry. Our system will document and track communication that ensues between the MSP and attorney. There is a one-time fee for inquiring on the status of a LOP. You may inquire about the status of the same LOP as often as you deem necessary at no extra cost.

Membership to our service offers unprecedented value to your practice in numerous forms. Your practice will be made visible to attorneys who have subscribed to this service and are seeking medical treatment for their clients with bodily injuries. This is the most convenient and efficient method to rapidly receive a LOP therefore increasing patient traffic for your practice. Providentis is the only known service that offers standardization of the process and automation of LOP. Most importantly, Providentis is the only service that offers you direct channel of communication via our system in order to inquire as to the status of the case while maintaining a comprehensive log of communication with respective attorney. The ease of using our system will also prove to be cost effective in decreasing administrative time management of your LOP related business. This is a pay as you go service and does not require mandatory participation. You choose when to accept or decline a LOP and which attorney(s) to work with. You will be charged only when the LOP is accepted by you.

Cost per LOP upon acceptance by the MSP is only $25.00. This is a pay as you go service and you will not be charges until you accept the request from Attorney.